West Bengal Lottery Result 2021: Dear Bangabhumi Ajay result for September 3, check here how to

The Government of West Bengal organizes the State Lotteries which is conducted by the Directorate of State Lotteries which was established in 1968 under the Finance (Revenue) Department. Draws for the daily state lotteries are held under the supervision of two independent judges. The venue is always fixed and announced before each draw.

West Bengal Lotteries Sambad ‘Dear Bangabhoomi Ajay’ is a weekly lottery which is drawn every Friday. West Bengal State Lotteries Department will declare the result at 4 pm. Once the lucky draw result will be out on the official website lotteriesambadresult.in Will update them online. Contenders can check if they have luckily got any prize in this lottery draw. The lottery ticket is sold at a nominal price of Rs.6.

Check out the detailed award structure list below:

first prize: 50 lakh rupees

second prize: 9,000 rupees

Third Prize: 500 rupees

Fourth Prize: Rs 250

Fifth Prize: Rs 120

consolation prize: 1000 rupees

Follow the easy procedure given below to check the lottery result:

Phase 1: To check the West Bengal State Lottery result for Friday, visit the official website or simply type www.lotterysambadresult.in in the search box

Phase 2: On the homepage, ‘Lottery Sambad Result 3.9.2021 Dear Bangabhoomi Ajay’ check the result at 4.00 PM.

step 3: You will be redirected to a new web page where a list of winning ticket numbers will be displayed

step 4: Carefully match these numbers on your lottery ticket. If you are lucky and the numbers match your ticket, you are one of the winners

To claim the prize, the winner must visit the West Bengal Gazette Office. Produce winning ticket which is valid only for 30 days from the date of declaration of results. The authorities will also require a valid identity proof to verify. The entitled winner can get the prize money after the certification process and deduction of taxes.

There are seven different lotteries organized by the West Bengal State Lotteries Department. Here is a complete list:

Monday: Dear Bengali Teesta

Tuesday: Dear Bangalakshmi Torsha

Wednesday: Dear Bangabhumi Raidak

Thursday: Dear Bangabhoomi Bhagirathi

Friday: Dear Bangabhoomi Ajay

Saturday: Dear Bangashree Damodar

Sunday: Dear Bangashree Ichmati

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