West Bengal Board has reduced the minimum marks required to choose Science stream

Taking Class 12 Science stream made easy for West Bengal Board student West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary education (WBCHSE) has reduced the minimum marks required in class 10 to select science stream in class 11 and 12. Now, students securing 35 per cent marks in class 10 can also opt for science subjects in class 11. Earlier, the minimum required marks were 45 percent.

Students who want to study Mathematics, Statistics, Computer as optional subjects need minimum 35 percent marks in Mathematics in class 10 board exam. Those who want to opt for Life Science, they need at least 35 percentile in relevant subjects. To study physics or chemistry, a student must have at least 35% in science subject in class 10th board.

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Merely clearing the required subjects will not be enough. It is mandatory for the students to promote class 10 to class 11, irrespective of the stream they belong to. To pass class 10 it is necessary for students to pass in all subjects as well as overall.

WBCHSE Chiranjeevi Bhattacharya informed that the minimum requirement has been brought back to 35 percent. This was increased to 45 per cent during the Covid-19 period as the examinations could not be conducted in 2021 due to the pandemic and the results were declared on the basis of optional assessment scores. Under the new evaluation strategy, not only a large number of students passed but also the number of students securing high marks increased.

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Meanwhile, the West Bengal Board has increased the seats for higher secondary or class 12 from 275 to 400, to increase the number of students who entered after a record high number of students passing classes 10 and 11 Will demand

West Bengal class 10 result was declared on June 3 In which 86.60 percent of the 11 lakh students who took the secondary examination or WBBSE 10th board examination have been successful. This is a huge drop as compared to last year when 100 percent students cleared the exam. The result of boys is better than that of girls as 88.59 per cent boys clear the examination while 85 per cent girls have cleared the examination. The first rank is also secured by a male student.

The West Bengal Board will conduct the class 10 and 12 board exams for the 2023 academic year from February 23 to March 4. After being postponed due to the pandemic, the academic calendar is pushed back on track. Apart from this, there will be no cut in any kind of syllabus. WBBSE is also contemplating to conduct two examinations in a year from 2023. With more syllabus and less time, the exam can be tough for the students of West Bengal Board.

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