Weight Loss Diet: How Khichdi Can Be A Part Of Your Healthy Lifestyle

Weight Loss Diet: Losing weight is never an easy task as it requires a lot of hard work apart from working out. From including more fruits, vegetables and nutrients in your diet, you will also have to change your schedule. Therefore, there is a need to add more nutrition to the diet when trying to create a weight loss diet. Hence, here is an Indian dish that can not only help you lose weight but can also help you live a healthier lifestyle – Khichdi.

Khichdi is one of the most delicious and nutritious Indian dishes that is available throughout the year due to its variety. Khichdi is a staple diet in many households and can help you lose weight.

Here’s why you should include khichdi in your weight loss journey

Khichdi Is Rich In Protein

It is often suggested by health experts that eating a protein-rich diet is essential during the weight loss journey. Khichdi is a healthy Indian dish as it is rich when cooked together and lentils are a major source of protein.

Also Read: Turmeric: 5 Ways In Which ‘Haldi’ Benefits Your Health

Khichdi is easy to digest

Khichdi does not contain any spices and hence is very soothing to the stomach. It eases digestion and is always easy on the stomach and intestines. Hence, khichdi is often given to elders and babies as it is rich in nutrients and filling.

Khichdi helps manage blood sugar levels

Khichdi not only benefits digestion, and is rich in nutrients, but is also a part of the Ayurveda diet as it is a ‘tridoshi regular food’. Tridoshic regular diet balances the three doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha and consequently helps in managing blood sugar levels.

Khichdi increases immunity

Turmeric is an essential part of khichdi and has anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting properties. It further contains a variety of bioactive substances that enhance the antioxidant capacity of the body. All these things help in increasing immunity.

Khichdi Curbs Cravings

Khichdi not only helps in digestion but it also keeps you full and helps you overcome your cravings. It is believed that once you include khichdi in your diet, you may not have bloating, flatulence or other digestive issues due to the low acidity.

(Disclaimer: The information in this article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not confirm the same.)