WEF’s Davos Agenda Summit 2022 begins today. PM Modi will give special address

New Delhi: The Davos Agenda Summit 2022 of the World Economic Forum is scheduled to begin from today and will last for the next five days. The Davos Agenda Virtual Summit will host leaders and heads of important institutions and organizations from around the world who will discuss and present their views on how to address them. The three main areas of concern at the summit will be climate action, pandemic recovery and economic and social resilience.

Global issues that will be discussed at the summit include the race to net-zero emissions, ensuring economic opportunities for nature-positive solutions, building cyber resilience, strengthening global value chains, and supporting economies in fragile markets through human investment. Construction will include bridges. Use data solutions to bridge vaccine manufacturing gaps and prepare for the next pandemic.

On the first day of the summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver a special ‘State of the World’ address via video conferencing.

The summit will begin with an address by Chinese President Xi Jinping at 3 pm IST. This will be followed by two virtual sessions on COVID-19 and technology collaboration in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. After two sessions, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the half-hour-long summit at 8:30 PM IST.

After PM Modi’s address, there will be a speech by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio will address the conference tomorrow.

Other important speakers at the summit include Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, World Health Organization (WHO), Anthony Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health of the United States of America, Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of the United States of America. Minister of Australia among others.

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