Weekly Tarot Card Readings 2023: Horoscope April 16 To April 22 For All Zodiacs


You will be in a strong position to take initiative and bring positive changes in your professional life. Look for ways to expand your knowledge and skill set. You will also be successful in investments, real estate and business ventures. However, you may feel overwhelmed with the decisions you have to make in your relationship. Don’t make rash decisions, as it can be difficult to undo the consequences.


There could be financial difficulties or loss of job security. But don’t be discouraged by failures; Instead, focus on your strengths and use them to help you achieve your goals. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from someone you trust. You may be challenged by a loved one or potential partner and may feel as though you are defending yourself in the relationship. For the unmarried, this may be the time to start a new relationship.


You will experience a period of financial security as well as accomplishment of projects. You may be rewarded for your hard work and dedication and enjoy the fruits of your labour. This is your moment to shine and show off your skills. However, you may experience a difficult emotional time which may leave you feeling quite vulnerable. Your partner may not be emotionally available. Be aware of possible hurt and betrayal.


You will gain success and recognition for your hard work and effort. You may get a prestigious position or earn a promotion. You are likely to experience significant financial stability and resources to help you reach your goals. However, emotionally you may feel cut off from others and spend more time alone. Your work will keep you busy, leaving little room for love and romance.


There may be obstruction and delay in the implementation of plans, and your projects may be put on hold. There may be new challenges or obstacles in your career. Now may not be the best time to take risks or take big steps. Pay attention to family matters, some tension is expected. There can be differences and differences with your partner. Keep calm and be patient.


You may feel overwhelmed with your current professional and financial situation. You can feel like you’re in a never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety, and it can be challenging to feel safe. Create a budget and stick to it. Your love life will be passionate and thrilling. You will be able to develop solid and healthy relationships with people. Single, your natural confidence and enthusiasm will attract potential partners.


This can be a period of emotional confusion and indecision. You may feel overwhelmed or unsure about the direction of your relationship or even in your own feelings. Professionally, don’t multitask; Focus on one project or task at a time. If you try to juggle too many things, you may end up accomplishing none. Instead, determine which idea or project will serve you best, and then set aside the rest.


Stay focused and disciplined in your work even when others around you are competing to be the best. To ensure success, avoid conflict, be forthright, and act with integrity. To work through difficulties and differences in your relationship, do whatever is necessary to make it work, and don’t give up hope. You must stay positive and involve with your partner to solve any issue.


There is a possibility of a change in your job, position or work environment, which will result in uncertainty and instability. Professional growth may be slow, and you will have to be content with small developments. This can be a difficult time for love and relationships. You may not be very good at expressing or even understanding others’ feelings. Your relationship with your partner will be less romantic.


You may feel burdened by your obligations and responsibilities and may feel lack of control over your professional life. Don’t be tempted to take shortcuts, as this can land you in a tight spot. Be cordial with colleagues and do not spend much. However, your relationship with your partner will be stronger. Dating may also consider taking the next big step, such as getting engaged or married.


You are in a very romantic and nurturing time in your love life. Be more open and receptive to romantic possibilities. The charm of single people will attract people towards you. At work, you must be willing to work for what you want. Success doesn’t come easily. Leave negative attitude and stay away from people who bring you down. Take care of your financial security through proper planning, investment and savings.


You will make some big achievements in your career. You may be given a leadership role, or perhaps you are getting recognition for your hard work. You may also get a salary hike or bonus. Your relation with your partner will be warm and loving. Singles can expect to find a good partner. You will have the power to overcome the problems and issues of domestic life.

(These tarot card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner and Consultant)