We are safe till the new variant comes out!

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Antibodies In 98 Percent Of India’s Population Due To Omicron, So The Risk Of Corona Is Redundant

New DelhiOne hour agoAuthor: Pawan Kumar

The news of relief amidst the fear of a fourth wave of corona is that until a new variant of corona comes, we are safe from its danger. Because of Omicron, 98% of Indians have antibodies. In such a situation, now the threat of corona is redundant for us. However, the death figures that came in the past are still terrifying.

There have been 50 deaths due to corona in India on the last day, while 60 people died on 28 April and 39 on 27 April. A total of 5.23 lakh people have died in the country since the beginning of the pandemic. On the previous day, 3,688 new cases of corona were registered in the country, while 2,496 people were cured. The number of active cases ie people undergoing treatment has also increased to 18,684.

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Experts said – there is no possibility of a new wave
Now the question is picking up again, is the fourth wave coming? If we compare the current state of infection with the first 3 weeks of the third wave, it does not seem like this at all. Whether it is the number of new patients increasing daily or the infection rate. The infection rate in the country is not even 1% yet, while three weeks before the start of the third wave, this figure had crossed 13%.

On the other hand, experts believe that there is no possibility of a new wave yet. Because, the new wave comes from the new variant. There are currently Omicron or its sub-variants in the country. So a new wave is not expected.

Bhaskar met Dr. Raman Gangakhedkar, former scientist of ICMR, Prof. Sanjay Roy of AIIMS, Prof. President of Public Health Foundation of India. Of. Spoke to Srinath Reddy and Dr. Neeraj Nischal, Associate Professor of AIIMS, know the opinion of experts.

Can the infection progress?
People who were not infected with Omicron can get an infection. There are only 2% such people in the country. Because, sero surveys show that 98% of the population has been infected with Omicron or its sub-variant. They have antibodies. Therefore, they are not at risk. Yes, if there is a new variant, there could be a risk.

How to know the new variant?
Patients with mild cold and cough do not need to be tested. But, if someone falls seriously ill, his sample should be sent for genome sequencing as soon as he is admitted to the hospital. This will catch the new variant.

How likely is the new variant to arrive?
Very little, because almost the entire population in the country has been infected. They have antibodies. In such a situation, the chance of a dangerous variant being born is very less.

Deaths are still happening from Corona, when will it stop?
Death occurs after being corona, the reason for this is not only corona. There should be proper medical evaluation for this. Because, in all the deaths that are happening now, there was already some serious disease. Often we see that sometimes death also occurs due to fever. Therefore, it is not right to link every death with corona.

What can happen next given the current situation?
One thing is clear that hospitals will not be crowded. Nor is the death toll expected to rise. Even in the past, when the new wave came due to Omicron, the number of recruits was very less. Of those admitted, very few needed oxygen support. It will be so in future also.

Understand the situation of the top infected countries of the world with the graphics given below

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