‘We are noticing a 2014-type ‘wave’ in UP, U’khand, Goa now’, PM Modi tells India TV in exclusive interview


  • PM Modi said “we are getting an amazing response in UP”
  • PM also spoke about how India succeeded in tackling the Covid pandemic
  • Modi said we want the next decade to become ‘the decade of Uttarakhand’

PM Modi exclusive interview: In a telephonic interview this evening, on his return from the poll campaign in Uttarakhand, Modi told India TV Political Editor Devendra Parashar that “we are getting an amazing (‘adbhut’) response in UP. It is very good. (‘Bahut Hi Uttam’). I find a 2014-type wave in favor of our party in Goa, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. I am yet to visit Punjab and Manipur, but all the ground reports that I am getting positive.”

Modi said, “we are getting massive support from the people, but others who have a pre-determined, political agenda and who have their vested interests in mind, are against us. It is natural that such people are angry with us. But overall, the people are in favor of BJP.”

“I can feel the pulse of the people. The trust of the common people in BJP is increasing continuously. During my campaign in Uttarakhand, I saw a large number of people, right from the helipad up to the public meeting. This is indicative of how our intentions are good and we are working hard to fulfill our promises”, Modi said.

The Prime Minister said, his affinity with Uttarakhand goes way back in time when he was young and used to roam in the Himalayas.

Modi said, “A large part of my life was spent there. It was Atal Bihari Vajpayee who worked for the creation of Uttarakhand over 20 years ago. Today this state is on the runway and is on the verge of take-off. The youths of Uttarakhand need a stable government for another ten years, which must have a vision. Uttarkhand is also a cultural and spiritual center for people across the world. During my stay in the United States, I was in search of vegetarian food in a faraway place, and there I found an American, wearing a ‘mala’. He told me that he used to visit Rishikesh every year.”

“Today we want to focus mainly on nature and adventure tourism in Uttarakhand. People in Uttarakhand are now earning because of ‘home stay’ facilities provided by them to tourists. We are also focussing on improving the connectivity of rail, road, and even ropeways. We want the next decade to become ‘the decade of Uttarakhand’, he said.

When India TV political editor pointed out that there have been three chief ministers in Uttarakhand in the last five years, the Prime Minister said, “BJP is a big organization, where we work together as a family. (Chief Minister Pushkar Singh) Dhamiji is a very simple, humble, soft-spoken and hard-working person. He has the benefit of gaining experience from two ex-chief ministers. He hails from a jawan’s family. For us, Dhamiji is a good face for Uttarkhand elections.”

The Prime Minister also spoke about how India succeeded in tackling the Covid pandemic. “When the pandemic first broke, people across the world were worried how India, with its huge population and where crowds throng festivals that take place regularly, will handle the pandemic. Through ‘taali’ and ‘thaali’, we educated people about the pandemic, kept people throughout the nation united, and we held a record number of 23 meetings with all chief ministers”.

“The result is there for all to see. When the process for making vaccines began, we decided to spend money to provide free vaccines, motivated our scientists to work on vaccines and encouraged health workers to ensure that the vaccination process went on smoothly. Today we are almost going to touch the 100 per cent first dose target for all Indians, and the second-dose target will also be achieved soon. I have seen in Uttarakhand how women are giving me blessings for providing vaccines. One lady in Uttarkhand said, Modi has protected my son by giving vaccines.”

On opposition leaders criticizing him and his government, Modi replied: “In public life, criticism is natural. This is common nature in this arena (is kshetra ki prakriti hai). We do not want to get entangled with others say. I never waste time on who is saying what. In both houses of Parliament, I tried to take the debate to a higher level. My speeches were based on facts. ,

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