Watch: Vishnu Manchu gets emotional after winning MAA Presidency, Prakash Raj hugs

Vishnu also took to Twitter to express his gratitude.

Prakash Raj, graciously accepting his defeat, congratulated Vishnu Manchu and stood beside him.

Telugu actor Vishnu Manchu got emotional after being announced as the next president of the Movie Artists Association, the apex body of the Telugu film industry. The 39-year-old defeated actor Prakash Raj in a close contest, with two training guns at each other. Vishnu took some time to digest his victory after an election official declared him the president of the MAA. After a few minutes, the actor burst into tears and later hugged Prakash Raj, who was standing next to him when the results were announced.

Vishnu also took to Twitter to express his gratitude. “Good morning! I am overwhelmed with the love and support my film fraternity has given me. Before I say anything else on the MAA election; Counting of votes for one of the members of the Election Commission, Joint Secretary and Vice President posts this morning Begins at 11am. Will talk after that,” he tweeted soon after being confirmed for the presidency.

Prakash Raj, graciously accepting his defeat, congratulated Vishnu Manchu and stood by him as the 39-year-old delivered his winning speech. The Manchu made several promises during their campaign and even issued a manifesto that included free health insurance and education to MAA members.

Other promises included the creation of a jobs committee to include unemployed and senior actors in the MAA. The Manchu manifesto also mentions the construction of a new MAA building, Rs 6000 per month pension for needy and old actors, and financial assistance to single mothers and single women in OTT. The 39-year-old also promised a mobile app for job opportunities on OTT and other digital platforms.

The panel headed by Vishnu Manchu was successful in securing the important posts of Vice President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer. While Prakash Raj’s camp got a second vice president and executive vice president and a joint secretary.

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