Shah Rukh Khan finds himself in the midst of controversy after allegedly disrespecting top Telugu star Ram Charan during the pre-wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant in Jamnagar, Gujarat. The incident, involving a remark and a subsequent walkout by Upasana’s makeup artist, has sparked debates on social media.
The #ShahRukhKhan Respect To #RamCharan at Ambani Party..
Both love and respect each other so there is no point in spreading
— 😎Sourav Srkian Das😎 (@SrkianDas05) March 4, 2024
‘Idli Vada’ Remark On Ram Charan and Walkout
At the star-studded event, Shah Rukh Khan reportedly addressed Ram Charan as ‘idli vada’ during an invitation to join him on stage. Upasana’s makeup artist, Zeba Hassan, claimed to be hurt by this comment and walked out of the event. She shared a video from the evening on Instagram, pointing out the alleged disrespect.
Social Media Debate: Jest or Disrespect?
The social media community is divided over the incident. While some criticized Shah Rukh Khan for the ‘idli vada’ remark, others argued that it was in jest, akin to his dialogues from the movie ‘One 2 Ka 4’. Clips circulating online show SRK bowing to Ram Charan as a sign of respect, and users noted their positive relationship.
Also read: WATCH | Ambani Pre-Wedding: SRK Turns Host, Greets Guests With Jai Shree Ram
Support for Shah Rukh Khan
Several users defended Shah Rukh Khan, emphasizing that the actor has a history of respectful interactions with Ram Charan and even bowed to him when inviting him on stage. Contextualizing the incident, some pointed out that SRK’s comment might have been misunderstood or taken out of context.
Shah Rukh Khan and Ram Charan Relation
Shah Rukh Khan and Ram Charan reportedly share a good relationship, and the incident is seen as an anomaly. Ram Charan has also recently collaborated with Salman Khan for a song in the film ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan.’