Warning sirens activated in southern Israeli towns, hours after Gaza rocket fire

Rocket warning sirens rang out in southern Israel on Thursday morning after terrorists fired projectiles in the Gaza Strip the previous evening and Palestinians clashed with police at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

The IDF Home Front Command stated that an alert system had been activated in the communities of Ranen, Patish, Dorot and Havat Shikmim, with residents instructed to take cover in bomb shelters.

The army said it is probing the matter.

Two rockets were fired from Gaza on Wednesday night, one of which failed to clear the border while the other landed in an open area.

Shortly afterwards, renewed fighting broke out at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and riots broke out along the Gaza border and in several Arab Israeli communities.

The violence followed clashes between police and worshipers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Tuesday, followed by rockets fired from Gaza and Israeli retaliatory strikes in the Strip on Wednesday morning.

The unrest came amid concerns of a possible escalation during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which often sees a spike in Israeli-Palestinian tensions, and this year coincides with Passover and Easter. Passover began on Wednesday evening. The first two weeks of Ramadan passed relatively smoothly.

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