‘Warning signal’: Chidambaram criticises Vice President Dhankhar’s ‘parliamentary autonomy’ claim

New Delhi: A day after Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar asserted on parliamentary supremacy, Congress leader P. Chidambaram on Thursday said the Constitution is supreme and “the VP’s views can be a warning sign”. Chidambaram said, “The Honorable Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is wrong when he says that Parliament is supreme. It is the Constitution which is supreme.” He added that this could be a further warning, “Indeed, the thoughts of the Hon’ble Chairman should warn every constitution-loving citizen to be alert to the dangers ahead.”

He stated that the “Basic Structure” doctrine was developed to prevent a majority-driven assault on the basic tenets of the Constitution. “Suppose the Parliament, by a majority vote, votes to convert the Parliamentary system into a Presidential system. Or repeal the State List in Schedule VII and take away the special legislative powers of the States. Will such amendments be valid?” he questioned.

“After the NJAC Act was struck down, nothing stopped the Government from introducing a new Bill. The striking down of an Act does not mean that the “Basic Structure” doctrine is wrong.”

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Wednesday reiterated that Parliament’s power to amend the Constitution and deal with legislation is not subject to any other authority and that all constitutional institutions – judiciary, executive and legislature – need to be confined to themselves. domain and conform to the highest standards of propriety and decorum. He was addressing the 83rd All India Presiding Officers’ Conference in the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly on Wednesday.

“The power of Parliament to amend the Constitution and deal with legislation is not subject to any other authority. It is the lifeline of democracy,” he said. “Democracy survives and flourishes when the legislature, judiciary and executive work together.” are and work together.” Fulfill the constitutional goals and fulfill the aspirations of the people. The Judiciary cannot legislate as much as the Legislature cannot write a judicial verdict,” the Vice President said.