Warm welcome to the students on the opening of the school in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Allahabad News – Times of India

Prayagraj: After a gap of six months, 1005 upper primary schools have been established in the state. Prayagraj district It was reopened on Tuesday in Sangam city here. Teachers and school staff welcomed the girl students roli tika Following the COVID-19 protocol.
Although the percentage of attendance remained low on the first day of school opening from class with To eighthStudents expressed their happiness and joy on reaching the school premises to attend the classes. The students were accorded a warm welcome by the teachers and school staff and the teachers applied roli tika on the foreheads of some students. Students were strictly asked to wear masks.
The teachers also presented masks to the students who reached the school premises without masks. The school authorities have installed sanitizers at the entrance of the school, appealing to the visitors to use it before entering the school premises.
A senior official said that 50 and 30 percent attendance was recorded in upper primary schools in urban and rural areas, respectively. Many students had brought self-declaration forms from their parents. The upper primary school authorities on their part have focused on strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocol and it was made mandatory for every school staff and student to wear a mask.
principal of an upper primary school in Trans Yamuna told TOI that the family members or guardians of the students were asked to carry a self-declaration form and follow all the COVID-19 protocols.
Along with this, all the children were asked to sit keeping a proper distance from each other. To make the students comfortable, the teachers and school staff shared their experiences with the students on the lockdown and the pandemic. The teachers also educated the students on the precautionary measures to be taken to stay safe from the infection.
Clearly, all the cooks in the school canteen have been directed to vaccinate against COVID-19 and the children shall sit at a proper distance from each other while attending the mid-day meal programs in the schools.
School children were told about the importance of washing and sanitizing hands regularly. A senior education department official said that schools have been asked to maintain proper cleanliness in their campuses and students should sit at a proper distance while maintaining social distancing. In addition, there will be two shifts from 8 am to 11 am and 11:30 pm to 2:30 pm and the food should be distributed strictly following the mid-day meal.


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