Want to lose those extra kilos? These Vegetables Can Be Very Helpful

Many nutritionists and dietitians concerned with weight loss and other health benefits will be talking about what to eat or what not to eat. But do you know which ones are most helpful and why? Read on to know about essential vegetables in your diet if you want to lose weight efficiently and protect yourself from various health problems.


Capsicum is a great source of Vitamin C. In addition, they are fiber-rich and low-calorie vegetables which makes them suitable to be a part of diets aimed at weight loss. They are a great source of antioxidants and can help you stay away from heart diseases and cancer. Vitamin B6 in capsicum helps to increase hemoglobin, which can help you avoid anemia.


Good carbohydrates and high fiber make it an essential vegetable in your diet. In addition, the vitamin C and vitamin A and many other nutrients from broccoli help you restore your skin, eye and heart health.

green peas

One cup of green peas has about 9 grams of fiber and this is enough to make you feel full. Minerals like Vitamin C, E and Zinc help to strengthen our immune system.

brussel sprout

You only get 28 grams of calories in a half-cup of Brussels sprouts (about 78 grams), making it a suitable vegetable for your diet. You also get 2 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fiber along with vitamins K, C and A that help you fight cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and cholesterol.


Cauliflower is another low-calorie food that helps with weight loss as it contains negligible carbohydrates and fats. It is also rich in fiber and a good source of antioxidants which are good for the skin.

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