Want to add your signature to a digital document? Here’s How To Do It Through Google Docs

There are many software that allow users to create and edit documents in the market today, but Google Docs One of the most popular. A digital document may require a signature. Have you ever had to add one? Maybe you’re signing a deal or finalizing a letter. Of course, it’s as simple as signing after it’s printed, unless you want to email the document or print multiple copies of the same document, things get a little more complicated.

Now you can sign documents from the comfort of your home using your “Virtual Fingertip”. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to add a signature to a Google Document, there are a few options. However, there is a built-in drawing tool that will allow you to add your signature digitally!

• A drawing tablet or touchscreen can be an excellent choice for this. But even if you don’t have one, your mouse will do the job for you. Although it probably won’t look as pretty as the standard signature.

• To use the drawing tools for a signature, navigate to the Google Document in which you want to enter the signature. At the top of the document, select “Insert -> Drawing… “, Then new.

• This launches a drawing canvas, which is useful for sketching an image for your document. You can create lines, arrows, objects, text, and even import an image to modify. For the time being, we’ll be using the Scribble tool to create our signatures. It can be accessed throughselect line” drop down menu.

• When you create your first row, a set of tools appears in the upper right corner. You can use these to adjust the thickness, color and uniformity of your lines. Blue highlights the last line you drew.

• When you are finished, click “save and Closebutton, and your photo will be added to the document.

Sign it off using the add-on

The Scribble tool has limited capabilities. if using Googletools do not produce the desired results and you want a more protected and legally enforceable solution, add-ons can help.

• In the toolbar, navigate toAdd on -> get add-ons…” to see the Google Doc extension.

• While you’re free to explore how to find and use the ideal add-on for you, there are some solid options.

• “Simple Signatures for Google Docs” is a simple free add-on that’s easy to use. First, on the sidebar, type or draw your signature.

• Paste it in your document.

• You may want to search for a document-signing service such as DocumentSign or HelloSign, although there are several options you can use.

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