Waiting for the deity to serve the parents: When the devotee gave orders to God – stand on a stone till my arrival

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Lord Vitthal was waiting at the door for Pundarika, who was working for his parents, standing at the behest of the devotee.

7 hours agoAuthor: Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta

Story – There is an anecdote related to Pundarik of Pandharpur in Maharashtra. Pundarika of Pandharpur was a great devotee of Lord Vitthal. He always used to remember God. He was so simple and intuitive that he was always ready to serve everyone. There was so much positive energy around him that anyone who came in contact with him was impressed by him.

Pundarik used to serve his parents a lot. Lord Vitthal was also very pleased with the service spirit of Pundarika and he used to visit his house also. Vitthal ji is also known as Vithoba and Pandurang. Only Pundarik knew that Lord Vitthal used to come to his house every day, asking for something and he used to give something to him.

One day Pundarika was engaged in the service of his parents and at the same time Lord Vitthal also came to their door. God called from the door, ‘I have come Pundarik.’

When Pundarik was in the service of his parents, he did not answer. It’s too late. God called out again, ‘Hey brother Pundarik, how long have I been waiting.’

Pundarik said, ‘Stand there, I will come after a while.’

The Lord stood there for a while and then he called out, ‘Pundrik now to come.’

Pundarik thought that the Lord was finding it difficult to stand. He picked up a piece of stone and threw it towards the door and said, ‘Listen, stand on this till I come, Vitthal.’

A devotee Pundarika ordered his Lord, as he was serving the parents at that time. If the devotee is simple and easy, then even God obeys him. It is said that Lord Vitthal stood on that stone and waited. After serving his parents, Pundarika goes to meet Lord Vitthal.

It is said about the idol of Lord Vitthal in Pandharpur that the Lord is still standing on the same stone.

Lessons – This story is teaching us that even God is bound by simplicity and ease, so if you keep simplicity and ease in the family, then the relationship will remain better.

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