Volodymyr Zelensky urges Germany to break down new Russian ‘wall’ in Europe – Times of India

Berlin: President of Ukraine Volodymyr zelensky called on Germany Russia was standing in Europe to help destroy a new “wall” in an emotional video address before parliament on Thursday.
“It’s not a Berlin The wall – this is a wall in Central Europe between freedom and bondage and this wall is getting bigger with every bomb” UkraineZelensky told lawmakers.
Zelensky, who appeared on screen in a khaki T-shirt with black rings under his eyes, was greeted with a standing ovation by lawmakers in the Bundestag lower house.
In a speech steeped in historical imagination by Germany’s victory over its Cold War division, Zelensky addressed German Chancellor Olaf Scholz directly with calls for greater solidarity with Ukraine.
“Dear Mr. Scholz, tear down this wall,” he urged in Berlin, invoking US President Ronald Reagan’s 1987 appeal.
“Give Germany the leadership role you deserve in Germany.”
However he combined his flattery with a strong rebuke of Berlin’s years-long reluctance to stand up to Moscow and sever its strong energy and business ties with Russia.
“We turned to you,” he said. “We told you that the Nord Stream (gas pipeline) was a kind of preparation for war.”
“And the answer we got was purely economic – it’s economy, economy, economy but that was the mortar for the new wall.”
The Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February prompted changes in key planks of Germany’s energy, economic and security policy – ​​some of them dating back to the end of World War II.
It has put the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project on ice, joined allies in imposing punitive sanctions on Ukraine and promised a massive increase in defense spending while banning arms exports to conflict zones to aid Ukraine. Is.
Germany has also said it aims to be virtually free of Russian oil imports by the end of this year, although it is still heavily dependent on Russian gas.
Although Berlin has opposed a complete halt to Russian energy imports, warning it would lead to winter shortages and inflation, leading to potential instability in Europe’s top economy.