Virus-hit Indonesia kills 100,000 – Times of India

Jakarta: IndonesiaThe death toll from the coronavirus topped 100,000 on Wednesday as the country struggles to control its spread. delta Type.
Southeast Asia’s biggest economy has now traversed the delta in dozens of regions since it was first detected in the archipelago in June.
Scores of Indonesians are dying at home, unable to afford hospital care or medical oxygen supplies as health care facilities stretch to the limit.
More than 3.5 million infections have been recorded so far, although official figures are widely underestimated.
A spokesperson for the Covid-19 Taskforce said, “The deaths occurred … mainly due to delays in recognizing the severity of symptoms and referring patients.” Nadia Termizi Sites.
Indonesia reported 1,747 new deaths on Wednesday, bringing its total to 100,636.
LaporCovid, an NGO that has developed a citizen reporting platform for Covid-19 data, said more than 2,600 patients died at home between early June and July 24.
Indonesia announced tougher restrictions on July 3 and has twice extended the policy in areas where infection numbers and hospital bed stay rates are high.
Offices, shopping malls and schools are closed while dining in restaurants is limited to 20 minutes.
The sanctions are beginning to take a toll on the country’s economy, which entered recession late last year for the first time since the 1997 Asian financial crisis.
“Financially, it really affects me. I have very few clients because people don’t go to the office,” mare, a ride-hailing driver that like many Indonesians goes by just one name, told AFP.
The country aims to vaccinate 208 million of its 270 million citizens, but the vaccination rate falls far short of the government’s one million-a-day target.
Only about eight percent of the population has been fully vaccinated.


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