Villupuram MP needs Lok Sabha to debate arrest of Tamil Nadu fishermen by Sri Lankan navy | Chennai Information – Occasions of India

VILLUPURAM: Villupuram MP D Ravikumar on Tuesday moved a movement pleading with the Lok Sabha secretary-general to adjourn the enterprise of the home to debate the arrest of six fishermen from Tamil Nadu and seizure of their boats by Sri Lankan navy on July 20.
Within the discover, the MP regretted that although each the Union authorities and the Tamil Nadu authorities prolonged humanitarian assist to Sri Lanka, which faces a extreme financial disaster, the Sri Lankan authorities continued to harass Indian fishermen below the pretext of getting into their waters for fishing.
Ravikumar alleged that the Sri Lankan authorities had seized 92 boats of Tamil Nadu fishermen. “Each the Union authorities and the Tamil Nadu authorities are sending humanitarian assist to Sri Lanka. However the Sri Lankan authorities is harassing our fishermen. Therefore, the enterprise of the home must be adjourned to debate this pressing matter,” mentioned the MP within the discover.