US tells UN that weekend airstrikes aimed at deterring Iran

United States told a The Security Council said on Tuesday it targeted Iran-backed militias in Syria…

Covaxin ‘effectively’ neutralizes alpha and delta variants of COVID-19: US’s NIH

New Delhi: The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the US Department of Health…

Avyatar settlers fix new deal to leave outpost, after Yeshiva delay hiccups

Residents of an illegal West Bank outpost gave final approval on Wednesday morning to a deal…

North Korea’s Kim slams officials for unspecified pandemic lapse

State media reported on Wednesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un chastised top ruling party…

Florida officials to conduct multiple investigations into beachfront condo collapse

Elected officials on Tuesday promised to conduct multiple investigations into the collapse of a beachfront Florida…

Israel demolishes shop in Silvan as clashes between police, Palestinians

Israel demolishes a Palestinian shop in the east Jerusalem In the neighborhood of Silvan on Tuesday,…

Avyatar residents agree to vacate outpost by the end of the week

Residents of the Avitar outpost agreed on Tuesday night to vacate the outpost by the end…

Bus driver injured in attack on Modi’s elite – report

According to Palestinian reports, a bus driver of the Kavim company was assaulted while working in…

Group sues Biden administration over planned expansion of nuclear work – Times of India

Colombia: Surveillance groups sued Biden The administration, on Tuesday, on its plan to produce plutonium cores…

Rivlin appeals to Abbas at UN: ‘It is our role to end the conflict’

NEW YORK – Speaking before a group of foreign ambassadors to the United Nations on one…