Victim’s father rebukes US as Israel vows to destroy terrorists’ homes

Israel will not stop demolishing homes of accused terrorists to appease Washington, a minister said on…

Spain’s PM Pedro Sanchez reshuffles cabinet

Image source: AP/Rep. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has reshuffled the cabinet. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro…

Benjamin Netanyahu vacates prime minister’s residence in Jerusalem – Times of India

Jerusalem: Benjamin: netanyahu And his family evacuated the Israeli prime minister.s The official residence early Sunday,…

Coronavirus in Israel: 261 new cases, 0.6% test positive

Israel reported 261 new coronavirus cases the previous day, the health ministry announced on Sunday morning.…

COVID: Israel to give third shot to immunocompromised patients from today

Health Minister Nitzen Horowitz said on Sunday that immunocompromised patients in Israel will be able to…

Sputnik V gives 90 pc protection against delta strain of COVID-19: Scientist

Image Source: AP Sputnik V gives 90 pcs protection against delta strain of COVID-19 Viral vector…

Israel’s former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu leaves official residence a month after Oster

Former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu formally left his official Jerusalem residence on Sunday, nearly a…

Cholera outbreak kills 325 in Nigeria this year

Image source: AP/Rep. A cholera outbreak in Nigeria has killed 325 people this year. According to…

2 firefighters killed as plane goes down while surveying fire

Image Source: ANI 2 firefighters killed as plane goes down while surveying fire Two firefighters were…

Family of soldier killed in Gaza seeks to retrieve stolen hard drive of memories

A hard drive containing files from an Israeli soldier killed in the 2014 Gaza war was…