Video released on 9/11 anniversary of bin Laden’s successor, survivor of al-Qaeda’s ‘dead’ leader

Ayman al-Zawahiri, the “dead” al-Qaeda leader, appeared on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The Egyptian-born terrorist leader was the head of al-Qaeda after bin Laden’s death. Ayman was presumed dead. However, a recent video released by al-Qaeda shows that the terrorist leader is still in office. Ayman also referred to the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, which makes it clear that the video is not old but recent.

A report released last November claimed that al-Qaeda leader al-Zawahiri had died in the Horn of Africa. However, Washington is once again in an uncomfortable position after the release of the hour-long video. Al-Zawahiri released the video exactly a year ago on the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. After this he again appeared in the video.

Meanwhile, a UN report in July this year claimed that al-Zawahiri was probably alive and living somewhere near the Afghan-Pak border. The report claimed that not only al-Zawahiri, but several top al-Qaeda leaders live on the Afghan-Pak border.

The Egyptian-born became the head of al-Qaeda after the death of al-Zawahiri bin Laden. Meanwhile, al-Zawahiri may have died. Because the victory of the Taliban is not mentioned in the video. The withdrawal of American troops could happen in February or March. Although it is clear that he did not die in November last year. Meanwhile, spies have been unable to provide any evidence of al-Zawahiri’s death. It may also be that al-Zawahiri has died, but this is a normal death.
