VIDEO of death in Indore: The woman was boarding a moving train, she slipped and fell straight down; went out for darshan on narmada jayanti

Indore9 minutes ago

In Indore, a woman going for darshan on Narmada Jayanti died after coming under the train. She was trying to board the moving train. During this, her foot slipped and she fell between the train and the platform. The injured were immediately taken to the hospital after the accident. But he died on the way.

According to family members, the woman had left her house asking the children to go to see Narmada. According to the GRP, the incident is of platform number-1. Manju (50) wife Late. Naresh Prajapat was going for Narmada bath by Indore-Khandwa train.

stuck between train and track
Police said that she was trying to board the moving train. During this, his foot slipped. She got stuck between the train and the track. After being seriously injured, he was immediately rushed to MY Hospital by 108 ambulance. But he died before reaching there. The video of the incident has also surfaced.

Daughter Rekha told that the mother had left the house for the first time after making up her mind to bathe in Narmada. The woman’s husband died in 2014 due to illness. There are two sons and two daughters in the family. The police conducted the post-mortem of the woman on Tuesday.

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