Video: Minority Groups March For Peace in Palestine, Call For Truce in Gaza

As tensions escalate between Israel and Palestine, resulting in significant attacks in Gaza, widespread destruction, and a tragic loss of lives, various minority groups have organized major protests in Delhi NCR and Kerala. These protests call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and emphasize the importance of both parties engaging in bilateral talks to address the conflict.

In the past, amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas tensions that persisted, claiming the lives of local residents as both sides showed no intent to halt their attacks, a significant event occurred on October 13. Former Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal had called for protests across the Muslim world on a Friday.

Associated with Hamas, Meshaal also called on neighboring countries to support Palestine and join the fight against Israel. He stated, “[We must] head to the squares and streets of the Arab and Islamic world on Friday,” as reported by Reuters.

Khaled Meshaal was then heading Hamas’s diaspora office and issued this statement through a recorded message sent to the international agency. He directed his message towards the governments and people of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt, emphasizing their significant duty to support the Palestinians.

Read More: Former Hamas Chief Calls Muslims For A Day Jihad On Friday Against Israel

It’s noteworthy that Jordan and Lebanon host the largest populations of Palestinian refugees.

Following a recent attack by Hamas, Israel declared its intention to intensify its response with a ground offensive, after conducting airstrikes on over 200 targets in Gaza City overnight. The densely populated coastal area reported at least 950 casualties, including fatalities and injuries.

During the preceding Saturday, militants associated with Hamas had infiltrated southern Israel from the Gaza Strip, resulting in the most severe Palestinian militant assault in Israel’s history.

Khaled Meshaal underscored, “For all those who impart knowledge about jihad and for all those who acquire this knowledge, the time has come to put theory into practice.”

Khaled Meshaal had served as the head of Hamas from 2004 to 2017 and had issued a call for a global ‘Day of Jihad’ scheduled for that particular Friday. In his video message, he urged residents of Arab and Islamic nations to gather at the crossroads in their respective cities on the designated day. He extended an invitation to people residing in countries neighboring Palestine to join in the ongoing struggle. Khaled Meshaal then resided in Qatar.