Vicky Kaushal’s ‘Sardar Udham’ trailer rides on patriotism- watch

The makers of the upcoming film ‘Sardar Udham’ unveiled the trailer of the film on Friday. Bollywood’s heartthrob Vicky Kaushal looked every inch convincing while playing the title role in the film.
Vicky said, “The story of Sardar Udham Singh is one that thrilled and inspired me. It represents strength, pain, passion, extraordinary courage and sacrifice and many more values ​​which I have brought to justice through my character in the film. have tried.”
The actor said the role required a lot of physical, and even more mental preparation, to replace Udham Singh and “bring to life the story of a man whose valor and grit is unmatched.”
He added: “I look forward to sharing an interesting page from the history of India’s freedom struggle through this film.”
Produced by Ronnie Lahiri and Sheel Kumar and directed by Shoojit Sircar, the film also stars Sean Scott, Stephen Hogan, Banita Sandhu and Kirsty Everton in pivotal roles and Amol Parashar in a special role.
This two minute thirty second trailer gives a glimpse into the life of Sardar Udham Singh.

This story depicts the bravery, grit and fearlessness of an unsung hero from the deeply buried history of our history.
Vicky also shared the trailer on Instagram and wrote: “The untold story of a man. The story of an unmatched journey. This is the story of a revolutionary.”
The film focuses on Sardar Udham Singh’s mission dedicated to avenge the lives of his beloved brothers, who were brutally murdered in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 1919.
Director Shoojit Sircar says ‘Sardar Udham’ is not just a film for him, it is a dream come true.
“It took years of intense research to unearth and share with the world the story of the bravery of the martyr who laid down his life to avenge India’s most horrific tragedy. The true essence of Udham Singh’s patriotism and bravery is in the hearts of everyone. Lives in. person in Punjab even today,” he said.
Sarkar’s aim was to make a film that would introduce and inspire the audience to the heroism of Udham Singh.
He added: “This film is my tribute to his lion heart spirit, his fearlessness and sacrifice in the freedom struggle of the country. The entire team is extremely proud to have got the opportunity to work on taking forward the story of a revolutionary, Who played the role of a revolutionary. An important role in the freedom struggle of India.”
The film is all set to release on 16 October on Amazon Prime Video.
