Vegetable prices rise due to rain in Hubli. Hubli News – Times of India

Hubli: The prices of some vegetables have gone up in Hubli city due to heavy rains, causing damage to crops and adversely affecting their arrival in the markets.
APMC has got less quantity of vegetables and as a result there has been a huge increase in the prices of vegetables.
value of Green chilly The price of tomato has increased to Rs.60-70 per kg and tomato to Rs.70-80 per kg. The price of beans, capsicum, okra, brinjal, cucumber and cabbage ranges between Rs 50-60 per kg, which was Rs 20-40 per kg a few days ago.
Incessant rain for a few days hampered the transport. Also, work in the fields was disrupted and this is also one of the reasons for the rise in prices.
M.N. hebballyA vegetable wholesaler of APMC said that green chillies come to the market from local areas and neighboring districts. But due to the decrease in the stock of green chillies, the price has gone up to Rs 3,000-3,500 per bag, which is the highest level ever. Also tomatoes per box (25 kg) are Rs 1,000-1,200.
“The prices are likely to rise for a few more days as the region is experiencing heavy rains. If the situation persists for more days, the prices will remain high,” Hebballi said. Hotel manager Sudhakar said that the prices of vegetables have gone up drastically and it was difficult to maintain the quality, “but at the same time we cannot increase the price now. Green chillies, tomatoes, beans are needed for the whole day. day’s business, without compromising on quality,” he said. Maqsood Mulla, resident of Kulpeth, said, “I have reduced the quantity of vegetables I buy. Earlier I used to buy vegetables for 15 days, but now I buy only for a week,” Mullah: said.
