Vastu Tips: Things You Should Never Do After Sunset For Prosperity

published by, Nibandh Vinod

Last Update: March 13, 2023, 18:52 IST

The broom can be used at any time till the sun rises, but sweeping the house after sunset is not considered auspicious.  (file photo)

The broom can be used at any time till the sun rises, but sweeping the house after sunset is not considered auspicious. (file photo)

According to Hindu beliefs, there are some bad habits that you should avoid, as it may displease the Goddess and create financial problems

Vastu Tips 2023: As per our Hindu mythology, there are certain things that should be avoided during the night to get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and knowledge. To please them, it is believed that proper behavior should be done in the house. According to Hindu beliefs, there are some bad habits that you should avoid, as this may displease the Goddess and create financial problems. Gurudev Shree Kashyap, Founder/Chairman of All India Institute of Occult Science & True Vastu, gives tips on what not to do at night for prosperity.

  1. One should not sleep with hair open at night, neither wash hair nor comb hair
    Women should not sleep with their hair open at night, because it is believed that after sunset negative energies are around us, women who comb their hair or keep their hair open at night feel the effect of those energies. more likely to do. Sleeping with open hair is considered inauspicious. Negative energies are more sensitive in the environment at night.
  2. Do not keep unwashed utensils in the kitchen at night
    Never go to sleep with dirty kitchen tools again. If for some reason you cannot wash them at night, then do not keep them in the kitchen. Always keep the kitchen clean. Very few people know that dirty utensils should not be kept at home while sleeping. Doing so leads to poverty and perpetual debt. If you want to invite Maa Lakshmi to your home, then you should always keep your kitchen clean.
  3. Don’t donate milk, curd, salt and sugar (basically white things)
    It is not advised to donate milk, turmeric, salt and sour things. You will have to deal with its consequences as it may anger Goddess Lakshmi. You may face financial issues and instability in life.
  4. Do not cut your nails and hair at night
    It is believed that cutting nails and hair at night is bad luck. It is believed that Lakshmi enters the house at night. When this happens, cutting hair and nails leaves dirt in the house, which is considered an insult to Goddess Lakshmi.
  5. don’t clean your house at night
    In Vastu Shastra, sweeping in the morning is considered lucky. The broom can be used at any time till the sun rises, but sweeping the house after sunset is not considered auspicious. This should be done only when absolutely necessary. According to Vastu Shastra, Lakshmi does not reside in the house by sweeping at night. Family members will deal with issues related to health, happiness and peace. The special thing is that the house is not cleaned properly at night. The lack of sunlight makes it impossible to see even the smallest objects.
  6. Do not wash or dry clothes at night
    When we clean, wash or dry clothes in the evening, negative energy enters and when we wear them in the beginning of the day, that energy has an effect on our body, which is harmful. It is believed that when clothes are spread in the open sky after sunset, negative energy enters them. It is said that when clothes are dried in the sun, the clothes lose their negative energy and a new, positive energy comes into them. The heat and sunlight kill any germs or harmful bacteria that may be present on the clothing when sun-dried.

Gurudev Shri Kashyap said that abstaining from these things at night will bring blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and bring growth, success and prosperity in your life.

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