Valor of Himveers in PHOTOS: ITBP jawans hoisted the flag in minus 40°C, shouted Bharat Mata ki Jai

8 hours ago

The country is celebrating its 73rd Republic Day today. The enthusiasm of the countrymen is high. Programs are being organized at various places on this occasion. On the other hand, soldiers stationed at an altitude of 15 to 17 thousand 500 feet in Uttarakhand, Himachal and Ladakh also hoisted the flag with full enthusiasm. ITBP personnel known as Himveer celebrated Republic Day by hoisting the tricolor with full gusto even at minus 40°C.

See photos of Republic Day…

Soldiers also hoisted the flag in Himachal Pradesh.  The temperature here is minus 30 degrees at 16 thousand feet.

Soldiers also hoisted the flag in Himachal Pradesh. The temperature here is minus 30 degrees at 16 thousand feet.

This photo is of Ladakh.  Here ITBP jawans celebrated Republic Day at 15 thousand feet in minus 40 degrees.

This photo is of Ladakh. Here ITBP jawans celebrated Republic Day at 15 thousand feet in minus 40 degrees.

ITBP's 'Himveer' hoisted the tricolor at an altitude of 11,000 feet between minus 20 degrees Celsius in Auli, Uttarakhand.

ITBP’s ‘Himveer’ hoisted the tricolor at an altitude of 11,000 feet between minus 20 degrees Celsius in Auli, Uttarakhand.

The enthusiasm of ITBP personnel was seen high in Ladakh at an altitude of 17500 feet and even in the temperature of -30 degrees.

The enthusiasm of ITBP personnel was seen high in Ladakh at an altitude of 17500 feet and even in the temperature of -30 degrees.

Border Security Force and Pakistan Rangers distributed sweets at JCP Attari on Republic Day.

Border Security Force and Pakistan Rangers distributed sweets at JCP Attari on Republic Day.

Border Security Force and Pakistan Rangers greet each other at JCP Attari.

Border Security Force and Pakistan Rangers greet each other at JCP Attari.

Celebration of soldiers at Mana, the last village on the border of India, after that the border of China begins.

Celebration of soldiers at Mana, the last village on the border of India, after that the border of China begins.

Trended in mountaineering, the force guards a range of 3,488 km from the Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Jachep La in Arunachal Pradesh.

Trended in mountaineering, the force guards a range of 3,488 km from the Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Jachep La in Arunachal Pradesh.

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