Uttarakhand installed Gangajal tankers on its borders to stop the Kanwariyas. India News – Times of India

Haridwar: In another attempt to keep Kanwariyas Outside Uttarakhand, officials have deployed 10 tankers gangajal At state borders for devotees trying to enter Haridwar to collect holy water from the Ganges.
Despite strict checking at railway stations and the presence of heavy police force, kanwariyas continue to arrive. A day after 240 kanwariyas were driven out of the state, 400 kanwaris were sent home from Haridwar railway station on Tuesday.
At least 100 vehicles with unknown number of Kanwariyas were also removed from here. Narsano and Chidiyapur Border by Haridwar Police. On Tuesday, 10 Gangajal tankers were deployed in various border areas. Haridwar SSP Senthil Avaudai Krishna Raj So Told TOI that 30 tankers have been kept ready to carry Gangajal on the demand of neighboring states.
“While 10 tankers are currently deployed in the border areas, one each has been sent to Bijnor And Muzaffarnagar in up. We will also send some tankers to Haryana. TOI had earlier reported that kanwariyas were arriving in the district in plain clothes, making it difficult for the police to identify them.
Now all the passengers leaving Haridwar railway station are being sought RTPCR reports and other information. Some are being rapidly antigen tested.


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