Use of spyware technology to spy on critics, related magazines: US | India News – Times of India

WASHINGTON: The Biden administration on Saturday said the US is concerned about the misuse of spyware technology, while adding that it has no specific information about India’s situation.
Specifically asked about the alleged use by the Government of India Pegasus Acting Assistant Secretary Dean for Spyware, South and Central Asian Affairs thompson “The whole notion of using this type of technology by extrajudicial means against civil society, or critics of the regime, or journalists, or any such person, has always pertained,” it said.
“We don’t have any specific specific insight into the India case. I know it’s a broader issue, but I would say we’ve been pretty vocal about trying to find ways for companies to be able to That their technology has not used these kinds of methods. And we will certainly keep pressing those issues,” he told reporters during a conference call on Friday.
Thompson also confirmed that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken would constructively raise issues of human rights and civil liberties in talks with his Indian counterpart on Tuesday.
“I will tell you that we will take it up, and we will continue to have that conversation, because we strongly believe that we have more value on fronts that we do not,” he said.
Washington had curtailed his lectures on human rights issues during trump The system gave its own dodgy record at home, but the restoration of a democratic administration marks a return to the issue beloved by liberal and progressive constituencies. Many critics argue that such preaching is generally directed in democratic countries like India whereas authoritarian regimes get a free pass.
The Biden administration’s sermon on spyware comes amid domestic flaps involving Fox News host’s allegations Tucker Carlson That US National Security Agency The agency was spying on him and reading his emails in an attempt to get him off the air. The NSA has denied the allegation.
Keeping human rights and civil liberties aside, US officials spoke at the strategic height of the relationship between the two countries, reaffirming that bilateral discussions will focus on expanding security, defense, cyber and counter-terrorism cooperation. To ensure a safer and more secure “world.”
Officials also dismissed the notion of “panic” in the administration about Biden white House Cooling off ties with India, “we see that the relationship continues to be at a very high level, and India will certainly continue to be an incredibly important partner.”
They also confirmed that Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin will host their Indian counterparts later this year for the annual US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue, and that Blinken will be hosting an individual quad meeting involving leaders from the US, India, Japan. Will discuss the prospects of the summit. and Australia.
As officials danced to the issue of America’s exit from Afghanistan and New Delhi’s shares were thrown under the bus, all of Afghanistan’s neighbors and countries in the region have an interest in a peaceful, secure and stable Afghanistan, which can only be A negotiated political settlement that ends 40 years of conflict.
“India is, of course, an important partner in this region, and we welcome India’s shared commitment to supporting peace and economic development in Afghanistan.” thomson Said.


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