US: California Senate passes Bill to ban caste discrimination

California Senate, Racial Discrimination
Image Source: PTI California Senate passes bill on racial discrimination

California: The California State Senate on Thursday passed a bill to ban race-based discrimination in the state. The Bill will give legal options to people to address claims of caste prejudice and discrimination in housing, employment, education and other areas.

The legislation was passed by a vote of 34-1. Following the SB 403 bill, California became the first US state to add race as a protected category to its anti-discrimination laws. Before the bill was sent to the governor to sign into law, its promoters, led by the nonprofit Equality Lab, said a similar bill was being introduced in the state House of Representatives.

The Uruh Civil Rights Act, which states that everyone in the state of California is entitled to full and equal housing, benefits, facilities, privileges or services in all business establishments, has been amended by SB 403, introduced by California Senator Ayesha I went. Wahab, for including caste as a protected category.

SB 403 provides protection against race prejudice and bias

SB 403 provides explicit protections to those who have been systematically harmed because of race bias and prejudice. It also provides for deterrent legal consequences for those who seek to escape responsibility or influence for participating in or permitting caste discrimination and caste-based violence.

This milestone bill comes just weeks after SB403 was passed unanimously by the California Senate Judiciary Committee in April. It follows Seattle City Council’s landmark legislation earlier this year banning race discrimination, as well as calls by the California Democratic Party, the California State University System, the Alphabet workers union, tech giants like Apple to designate race as a protected category. Follows up on offers. Cisco and others.

California Senate votes to ban racial discrimination

Seattle Council Member Kshama Sawant, who was instrumental in making Seattle the first city to pass an anti-racist discrimination law, welcomed the passage of SB 403 by the California State Senate. “Following our historic victory in Seattle in February, the California Senate has voted in favor of a ban on racial discrimination,” Sawant said.

“The bill now goes to the Assembly. Anti-racist activists, working people, union members, and my Socialist Council Office built a fighting movement to win in Seattle, creating national and even international momentum. solidarity to fight all oppression under!” He said.

“On behalf of all Dalit Californians and caste-oppressed people around the world, we are pleased that the California Senate passed SB403 on the Senate floor. This is a victory rooted in years of Dalit feminist organizing, and we are just getting started. Making the state safer for our entire caste-oppressed community,” said Thenmozhi Soundararajan, executive director of Equality Labs and author of The Trauma of Caste.

“We know we have a long journey ahead of us with this bill, but we made history with this vote and look forward to working with the California Legislature on this landmark bill! Equality Labs thanks all of California’s partners For caste equality who worked tirelessly to get us to this point.”

Tanuja Gupta, law student, activist, and a former Google engineering program manager, said that ending caste discrimination will soon no longer be an opt-in for a California-based company like Google, but a legal requirement for its existence.

‘Historical moment for Dalit society’

Foundation for Human Horizon President Dilip Mhaske congratulated State Senator Ayesha Wahab for introducing the bill in the California Senate. “It is a victory of the Indian Constitution framed by the principle of equality of Dr. BR Ambedkar.” Indian American Muslim Council President Mohammad Jawad applauded the California Senate for passing SB 403.

“This is a historic moment for the Dalit community, which has been fighting against caste-based discrimination for generations. The passage of this bill sends a strong message that caste discrimination has no place in California. The bill provides much-needed protections Dalits and others who face discrimination on the basis of their caste,” he said.

“We urge the California Legislature to pass this bill without delay, and Governor Newsom to sign it into law. We also call on other states and the US Congress to end this bill as a form of discrimination. Follow California’s lead in recognizing and taking steps to address race discrimination in the U.S. Address it. Discrimination based on race is a human rights violation and needs to be eradicated wherever it exists, said Rashid Ahmed, IAMC executive director should go.

(With PTI inputs)

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