UPPSC will have bumper recruitment: After 10 years, 106 posts of lecturer library are going to be recruited, know updates

16 hours ago

Recruitment is going on for 106 posts of Lecturer Library in 170 Government Colleges of Uttar Pradesh. All the colleges have given detailed information about the vacant posts of Higher Education. Till 10 years ago, Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission used to recruit for the post of Librarian, which has been changed to the designation of Lecturer Library as per the guidelines of the University Grant Commission (UGC).

Now the notification of the recruitment which took place 10 years ago is coming
There has been no recruitment on the post of librarian in 170 government colleges of UP since 2011. The Directorate of Higher Education had sought the details of vacant posts from the colleges. The directorate has received information about 106 vacant posts while new posts have not been created in about 24 colleges. According to the directorate, a new service rule is also being made for this. The revised guidelines and details of vacant posts will be sent to the government soon by the Higher Education Directorate. After approval, the requisition will be sent to the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission from the government level.

Till 10 years ago, Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission used to recruit for the post of Librarian.

Till 10 years ago, Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission used to recruit for the post of Librarian.

More than 100 posts are lying vacant in 170 colleges
At present only 36 librarians are working out of 170 government colleges. In more than 110 remaining colleges, there is no librarian at present, instead of them teachers have to work with clerks. This is affecting studies in colleges.

In 2009, the Mayawati government had banned the recruitment of librarians.
Earlier, managers used to recruit librarians at their level, but on the orders of the Supreme Court, librarians are being given the salary fixed by the UGC from January 1, 1986. College management cannot appoint for UGC salaried posts. On May 13, 2009, the then government of UP had banned the appointment of librarians in these colleges.

After that in a cabinet meeting in November 2012, the Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Service Commission was given the responsibility of appointment, but since then the Higher Education Directorate neither sought requisition nor the process of appointment could be started.

When will the notification for recruitment be released?
Secretary Higher Education Service Commission, Vandana Tripathi said that due to non-receipt of the librarian from the Higher Education Directorate, the process of appointment could not be started. Once approved, the process will start.

(This story is by Vikas Singh. Vikas is doing an internship with Dainik Bhaskar App.)

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