UP: Vikas Dubey is free from terror, Bikaru is ready for elections. Kanpur News – Times of India

Vikas Dubey

Kanpur: A lot has changed in Bikru village of slain gangster Vikas Dubey. Nobody could choose the candidate of their choice because of Dubey’s fear. But after July 10, 2020, when he was killed in an encounter, everything changed and today the rule of law has prevailed. Today Bikaru is preparing for the assembly elections.
It started with Panchayat elections. According to villagers, democracy was restored after 25 years in April 2021 after Bikru elected the village head of his choice, about 30 km from the Kanpur district headquarters.
“Not only were the candidates able to file their nominations freely, but voters also got an opportunity to elect their representatives without any fear in the panchayat elections held in April last year,” he said.
Last week, as paramilitary forces marched on the streets of Bikru, people expressed their faith in the system. The villagers not only welcomed him, but distributed sweets and put tilak on the forehead of the paramilitary forces. Local people said that without Vikas Dubey, the flag of democracy will be hoisted again in the assembly elections like the Panchayat elections held in a fair manner after 25 years in Bikru.
To recall, soon after the killing of eight police personnel, including a deputy SP rank officer, on the night of July 2, 2020, the Special Task Force (STF) killed gangster Vikas Dubey and his five accomplices back-to-back Was. Encounter. In the last 25 years, only Vikas or his associate has won the election. Be it Lok Sabha, Vidhan Sabha or Panchayat elections, the villagers could not vote for the candidate of their choice. But now the atmosphere of Bikaru has changed.
As soon as the paramilitary force reached the village, the village head Madhu Kamal welcomed them along with the villagers. Elderly villagers distributed sweets and garlanded the soldiers of the paramilitary forces.

