Unnecessary hype on covid omicron version? What did the South African doctor who first sounded the alarm say?

Passengers wear underground tube station at Canary Wharf
Image Source: AP

Passengers in the Canary Wharf underground tube station wear face masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which is now mandatory on public transport in the UK following the emergence of the new Omicron variant in London.


  • The Omicron variant was first detected in South Africa.
  • Amid Omicron fears, Center issues new guidelines for international travelers
  • Countries are following the ask-first-question-later approach to keep the new version away

Omicron Version Latest Updates: South Africa’s Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who first sounded the alarm on the Omicron edition, recently said that the world is over-reacting to the new mutation of the coronavirus.

Speaking to TalkRadio, Coetzee said, “The patients I’ve seen had mild symptoms and they were cured. No one was admitted and no oxygen was needed. The hype doesn’t make sense. “

Cases of the Omicron type have been reported in many countries, including several in Europe. Countries are following a work-as-question-later approach to keep new mutations of the virus at bay.

While India has not reported any COVID cases with the Omicron variant so far, the central and state governments are ramping up efforts to tackle the virus in the coming days in case the COVID cases rise.

The government has also issued new guidelines for international travelers and additional measures for travelers from ‘at risk’ countries.

As concerns remain over the new mutation, the emergence of the Omicron variant and the world’s desperate and potentially futile attempts to keep it at bay are reminders of what scientists have warned for months: the coronavirus will thrive as long as the world Vaccines will not be lacking in vast parts of the country.

The hoarding of limited COVID-19 shots by rich countries – making many poor ones a virtual vaccine desert – does not mean a risk given the shortage in some parts of the world; It is a threat to the whole world.

This is because the more the disease spreads in an unvaccinated population, the more likely it is to mutate and potentially become more dangerous, making the epidemic longer for all.

read also , Omicron case still not detected while taking all precautions: Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya in Parliament

Read also | Omicron version: Center issues new guidelines for international travelers from ‘high-risk’ countries

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