UK’s Indian-origin counter-terrorism police chief seeks explanation for missed promotion

Scotland Yard’s Indian-origin counter-terrorism police chief Neil Basu said he was “disappointed” with the way promotions are included in the new hiring process and plans to seek an explanation from the UK Home Office. UK media report has claimed.

Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner and the nation’s most senior non-white officer, Basu was in the running to head the National Crime Agency (NCA), often referred to as the UK’s version of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). According to ‘The Sunday Times’, Basu was narrowed down as one of the final two candidates until Downing Street’s preference for Scotland Yard chief Lord Bernard Hogan-Howe emerged and applications were reopened.

“I am disappointed with the way the process has been completed and will not apply again,” Basu told the newspaper.

“I will seek clarification from the Home Office,” the 53-year-old said.

The paper said Basu is understood to be consulting lawyers and has given notice to the Home Office that he wants to file a formal complaint.

Privately, he is furious for reportedly missing out on a GBP 223,000-year job and his supporters suspect it may be linked to his outspoken views on race.

Last week, on the second anniversary of the killing of George Floyd in the US, which sparked a worldwide Black Lives Matter movement, Basu wrote an article in which he said British police would have to acknowledge that it was “institutionally racist”. is and is also called positive. Discrimination to increase the number of black and Asian officers.

If his candidature for the NCA job had been successful, Basu would have become the first person of South Asian heritage, born to an Indian father and Welsh mother, to head a UK law enforcement organisation. The newspaper reported that any official complaints are likely to indicate that delays in the recruitment process meant Basu missed the deadline to apply for the job of mate commissioner, as well as the College of Policing in England and Wales. held a senior leadership role.

The top post at the NCA, Britain’s premier agency against organized crime, fell vacant in October last year after Dame Lynn Owens stepped down as director general on medical grounds.

Lord Hogan-Howe made it through to the final four candidates, but his failure to reach the last two prompted the office of the British Prime Minister to intervene in the recruitment process at 10 Downing. He and Basu worked together when Boris Johnson was the mayor of London.

Asked if he plans to pull himself out of the NCA race, Hogan-Howe said: “With regards to the process and the candidates, I have no comment.”

Downing Street sources told The Sunday Times that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had no formal role in the appointment process.

“A fair and open recruitment drive is underway to make the best possible appointments for this important role,” the Home Office said.

Read also: Indian-origin counter-terrorism police officer likely to be next London police commissioner