Ukrainian couple in military uniform tied the knot while being sent off by fellow soldiers – Henry’s Club

Love on the Frontline: Ukrainian couple in military uniform tied the knot as they were whispered by fellow soldiers

A newly wed couple is filmed getting married on the frontline, dressed in military uniforms and served by soldiers on the frontlines in Ukraine.

A video shared online shows a loving couple named Lesia and Valery, who are with the territorial defense, celebrating a wedding nearby. Kyiv,

Lecia can be seen holding a bouquet of flowers as she and Valerie both hold a champagne flute.

A video shared online shows a loving couple named Lesia and Valery, who are with the Territorial Defense, celebrating a wedding near Kyiv, Ukraine

Both the newlyweds are applauded and the bride seems to have changed her helmet for the white veil as she smiles and holds Valerie’s hand.

A group of fellow soldiers join a chorus for duets, in which one person plays a bandura, a Ukrainian folk musical instrument that sounds like a lute.

The footage was shared by reporter Paul Ronzheimer of German news outlet BILD-Zeitung.

It has since garnered nearly 22,000 views and hundreds of likes, with most of the comments wishing her happiness and prosperity.

One of the soldiers also appears to be wearing an Orthodox Christian cross, which is often seen at weddings in a country where the religion is followed by the majority.

Valery and Lesia kiss as they are married not far from the check-point on the outskirts of Kyiv earlier today

Valery and Lesia kiss as they are married not far from the check-point on the outskirts of Kyiv earlier today

Valery and Lesia kiss as they are married not far from the check-point on the outskirts of Kyiv earlier today

The two newlyweds applauded and the bride changed her helmet for the white veil as she smiled and held Valerie's hand.

The two newlyweds applauded and the bride changed her helmet for the white veil as she smiled and held Valerie's hand.

The two newlyweds applauded and the bride changed her helmet for the white veil as she smiled and held Valerie’s hand.

Lesia can be seen holding a bouquet of flowers and Valerie, a champagne flute, as the newlyweds are applauded.

Lesia can be seen holding a bouquet of flowers and Valerie, a champagne flute, as the newlyweds are applauded.

Lesia can be seen holding a bouquet of flowers and Valerie, a champagne flute, as the newlyweds are applauded.

Russia has made progress in southern Ukraine since its invasion 11 days ago, capturing the city of Kherson and shelling the port of Mariupol, but Odessa has so far been largely spared.

The Kremlin is ‘preparing’ to pound Odessa and ‘suffocating’ its lifeline as a ceasefire is called for the besieged city of Mariupol – amid fears Putin will attack refugees for a second time with airstrikes Will attack, can detonate the escape route.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky warned today that Russian forces were preparing to shell Odessa – a historic port city on the Black Sea coast.

Newlywed couple filmed getting married on the frontline, in military uniform and surrounded by fellow soldiers

Newlywed couple filmed getting married on the frontline, in military uniform and surrounded by fellow soldiers

Newlywed couple filmed getting married on the frontline, in military uniform and surrounded by fellow soldiers

The newlyweds celebrated their wedding on the front row today, surrounded by fellow soldiers

The newlyweds celebrated their wedding on the front row today, surrounded by fellow soldiers

The newlyweds celebrated their wedding on the front row today, surrounded by fellow soldiers

In a video address, the Ukrainian leader said: ‘They are preparing to bomb Odessa.

‘The Russians have always come to Odessa. They have always felt only heat in Odessa.

‘Only honesty. and now what? Bombs against Odessa? Artillery against Odessa? Missiles against Odessa?

‘It would be a war crime. This would be a historical crime.

One of the soldiers is also seen wearing an Orthodox Christian cross, which is often seen at weddings in the country.

One of the soldiers is also seen wearing an Orthodox Christian cross, which is often seen at weddings in the country.

One of the soldiers is also seen wearing an Orthodox Christian cross, which is often seen at weddings in the country.

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