Ukraine War may be the start of the Third World War; Putin, Xi tied in alliance: Soroso

Billionaire investor George Soros.
Image Source: AP

millionaire investor George Soros.

Billionaire investor George Soros has warned that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could be the start of World War III and that civilization may not survive the war.

He also said that Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin are bound in an alliance that knows no boundaries.

In his annual speech in Davos on Tuesday, Soros said the world must mobilize all resources to end the war as soon as possible and that the best and perhaps the only way to preserve civilization is to defeat Putin as soon as possible.

“An invasion could be the start of the Third World War and our civilization cannot escape it,” he said.

He also said that the attack on Ukraine was not sudden and that Putin had already informed Xi about it. Soros noted that Putin and Xi met at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 4 and issued a lengthy statement declaring that cooperation between them had “no limits”.

Soros said Putin informed Xi about a “special military operation” in Ukraine, but it was unclear whether he told Xi he had a full-scale attack on Ukraine in mind.

“Military experts in the US and UK certainly told their Chinese counterparts what was in store. Xi approved, but asked Putin to wait until the conclusion of the Winter Olympics,” he said.

“For his part, Xi resolved to hold the Olympics despite the Omicron version, which had just begun to spread to China. The organizers tried too hard to create an airtight bubble for the competitors and the Olympics went off without a hitch. Done,” he said. Told.

Xi has a guilty secret. Soros claimed he never told the Chinese people that he had been vaccinated with a vaccine that was designed for the original Wuhan variant and provided little protection against the newer variants.

Meanwhile, Soros said Putin’s so-called “special military operation” did not go as planned. He hoped that the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine would welcome his army as liberators. He said that his soldiers had taken their uniforms with them for the victory parade, but this did not happen.

He said that Putin and Xi have a lot in common, they rule by intimidation, and as a result, they make crazy mistakes. “Putin is expected to be welcomed into Ukraine as a liberator; Xi Jinping is clinging to a zero COVID policy that cannot possibly be sustained,” he said.

Soros claimed that Putin has admitted that he had made a terrible mistake when invading Ukraine and that he is now preparing the ground for negotiating a ceasefire, a ceasefire unachievable because it cannot be trusted, Soros said. Claimed.

Furthermore, Soros said that Putin would have to initiate peace talks which he would never do because it would amount to resigning.

Soros also said that Xi Jinping is bound to fail because it is not in China’s best interest to allow Putin to conduct an unsuccessful attack against Ukraine.

“China should be the senior partner in the alliance with Russia, but Xi Jinping’s lack of assertiveness allowed Putin to grab that position. But Xi’s biggest mistake was doubling down on his zero COVID policy,” he said.

“Contrary to normal expectations, Xi Jinping may not have received his third term because of his mistakes. But if he does, the Politburo cannot give him a free hand to choose the next Politburo members It would greatly reduce his power and influence and reduce the chances that he would become a ruler for life.”

Read also: Russia-Ukraine war: 200 mutilated bodies found in basement of Mariupol apartment

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