UK says US withdrawal from Afghanistan a ‘mistake’ – Times of India

London: Britain criticized the withdrawal of US troops on Friday Afghanistan, warnings of a Taliban resurgence will create a breeding ground for extremists who threaten the world.
Defense Secretary Ben Wallace announced on Thursday that some 600 soldiers would help evacuate British nationals from the country, as Islamists seized more control.
But he told Sky News television that the US decision to withdraw troops “leaves a huge problem on the ground” while handing the momentum to the Taliban.
He predicted it would benefit al-Qaeda, who had been given a safe haven by the Taliban prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks that prompted the West’s 20-year involvement in Afghanistan.
“I am deeply concerned that failed states are breeding grounds for those kinds of people,” he said.
“Of course al-Qaeda will return,” he said, warning that it would “put a security threat to us and our interests.”
Wallace said of the Doha agreement between the United States and the Taliban, “I thought it was a mistake to do so in a way that we all as an international community would probably suffer the consequences.”
He said Britain was left with no option but to withdraw its troops after the deal signed under former US President Donald Trump last year.
There were close to 750 Britons in the country before the withdrawal of 600 British soldiers being sent to Afghanistan to help with repatriation.
Welles said they would help 3,000 British nationals go.
The minister’s critical comments about the withdrawal were among many from senior politicians and top military officials.
The chairman of the influential foreign affairs select committee in parliament, Tom Tugendhat, told the BBC: “We have just pulled the rug out from under them,” referring to the Afghan people.
The Conservative MP said the need for Britain to send more troops to facilitate its withdrawal was “a sure sign of failure”.
Former International Development Minister Rory Stewart called the troop withdrawal “a total betrayal by the US and UK”, which risked starting a civil war between rival warlords currently defending against the Taliban.
Johnny Mercer, a Conservative MP and former veteran minister who served in Afghanistan, called the withdrawal an “disgrace”.
He told Times Radio: “I think it’s a disgrace to the British military, to the families who have lost people there, but above all it’s a great tragedy for the people of Afghanistan who have been there for so many years.” Suffering a lot.”
“We have chosen this defeat and it is shameful.”


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