UK, India launch plans to connect world’s power grids at climate summit – Times of India

LONDON: Britain and India on Tuesday launched a plan to improve connections between the world’s electricity grids, to help accelerate the world’s transition to green energy.
Launched at the COP26 climate talks in Scotland, the plan called the “Green Grid Initiative – One Sun One World One Grid” was supported by more than 80 countries, the British government said in a statement.
The initiative aims to make renewable energy the most affordable and reliable option for all countries by 2030 and was a significant contribution to the world’s goal of capping global warming at 1.5°C above pre-industrial norms.
“If the world is to move towards a clean and green future, these interconnected transnational grids are going to be the key solution,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a statement.
The plan is an important part of a broader plan to accelerate the roll out of affordable ‘green’ technology, covering over 70% of the global economy and the ‘Breakthrough Agenda’.
Announcing the plan’s first five goals, dubbed the ‘Glasgow Breakthrough’, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called for high-end clean electricity, zero-emissions autos, nearly zero-emissions steel, low-carbon hydrogen and climate-resilient agriculture to advance. Level goals flagged off. .
“By making clean technology the most economical, accessible and attractive option, which is currently the default in the most polluting areas, we can cut emissions around the world,” Johnson said.
Among other plans to be announced, the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet was launched with an initial $10 billion from philanthropy and development banks to support the energy transition in the Global South.
Meanwhile, the United States and the United Arab Emirates launched AIM4C to promote innovation in sustainable agriculture, backed by $4 billion in additional investments.
The Breakthrough Energy Catalyst program will aim to raise $30 billion to help cut the cost of clean technology and create markets for everything from green hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuel, the statement said.

