UK में भारतीय दूतावास पर तिरंगे का अपमान: खालिस्तानी समर्थकों ने पहले प्रदर्शन किया, फिर उतार जमीन पर फेंका; भारत में राजनयिक को सम्मन

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  • Amritpal Singh Arrest Update Khalistan Supporters Reaction UK Indian Embassy Video | Action of Central Government of India

Amritsar38 minutes ago

In Punjab, Khalistani supporters spread across the world are protesting against the ongoing action against Punjab De Jathedar Amritpal Singh. Last evening outside the Indian Embassy in UK, Khalistanis insulted the tricolor after protesting. Acting immediately, India has summoned a senior UK diplomat.

The tricolor was hoisted outside the Indian Embassy.

The tricolor was hoisted outside the Indian Embassy.

In fact, Khalistani supporters all over the world are opposing the campaign against Amritpal Singh, but last evening some Khalistani supporters gathered outside the Indian Embassy in UK. He first used abusive words against Indians and then took down the tricolor hoisted on the embassy and threw it on the ground. Indian diplomats opposed this, but the protesters kept hoisting the Khalistani tricolor outside the embassy building.

hoisted the double storey tricolor answer
Diplomats posted at the Indian Embassy in the UK took immediate action. He again hoisted the tricolor at the same place. Along with this, another two-storey tricolor was put on the embassy building. Without adopting an angry attitude, the officials of the Indian Embassy responded to the Khalistani supporters in a peaceful manner.

immediate action in india
The Government of India summoned UK diplomats in Delhi in connection with the incident of the Indian flag being pulled down by protesters at the High Commission in London. Expressed India’s strong protest against the action taken by separatist and extremist elements against the Indian High Commission in London.

During the demonstration, explanation has been sought from UK diplomats as to how the protesters demonstrated outside the Indian Embassy. An explanation has been raised for the complete absence of UK security. Which allowed these elements to enter the High Commission premises. At the same time, immediate action has also been asked against the protesters.

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