UGC Releases List of MOOCs to be Offered by IIM Bangalore, IGNOU

MOOCs are part of the country's Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) (Representational image)

MOOCs are part of the country’s Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) (Representational image)

As per the information provided by the SWAYAM Board, in the last two academic years, around 2 lakh students have benefited from the credit transfer for the courses.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has released a list of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that are set to be offered for the January semester of 2023. MOOCs are currently available on the SWAYAM portal at “List of MOOCs, which are ready to be offered by UGC, CEC, llM-B, ​​NPTEL, IGNOU on SWAYAM platform for January Semester, can also be seen on SWAYAM portal –, reads the notice.

The list of MOOCs offered by the following national coordinators includes University Grants Commission (UGC), Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC), Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM-B), National Programme. technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), and Indira Gandhi Open National University (IGNOU).

MOOCs are part of the country’s Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA). it aims to revive India As a major tourist and cultural destination for Buddhists. It also includes Buddhist History, Buddhist Philosophy, Abhidhamma (Pali) and an additional course on Community Engagement or Civic Participation and Social Responsibility.

As per the information provided by the SWAYAM Board, in the last two academic years, around 2 lakh students have been benefitted by credit transfer for SWAYAM courses. The Board has also asked the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to approve the above listed MOOCs and adopt their statutory bodies as per the rules of the commission in the credit framework for online learning programs through study net of active learning for young aspiring minds. asked for.

The commission has asked students and learners to enroll for these courses in large numbers as well as avail the benefit of credit transfer from their respective HEIs.

The SWAYAM MOOCs course program includes:

History of Indian Buddhism: The last date for nomination is 15 March. The course will start from 6th February and the course will end on 22nd May. Meanwhile, the above date of Abhidhamma (Pali) and Buddhist philosophy is the same.

Community engagement and social responsibility: The last date for nominations is March 15. The course starts on 6th February and the course ends on 17th April.

As per the latest update, UGC has extended the deadline for submission of feedback, comments or suggestions till February 20. Stakeholders who have not yet submitted the response may do so on or before the last date through the email address provided by the UGC.

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