Uddhav Tears into Shinde, Asks Supporters to be ‘Ready for Polls’ After EC Setback

Last Update: February 18, 2023, 17:57 IST

Thackeray was forced to resign as Maharashtra chief minister last June after Shinde rebelled against Thackeray's leadership, claiming the support of 40 of the Shiv Sena's 56 MLAs and 13 of its 18 Lok Sabha members.  (Photo: PTI)

Thackeray was forced to resign as Maharashtra chief minister last June after Shinde rebelled against Thackeray’s leadership, claiming the support of 40 of the Shiv Sena’s 56 MLAs and 13 of its 18 Lok Sabha members. (Photo: PTI)

Addressing party workers from a car with a sunroof outside Thackeray’s residence ‘Matoshree’ in suburban Bandra, Uddhav challenged the Eknath Shinde faction and said a fight has begun.

Launching a scathing attack on Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, former CM Uddhav Thackeray asked his supporters to teach a lesson to the “thief” who stole the party’s ‘bow and arrow’ symbol and announced that his faction would fight against the ‘torch’. Will fight elections together. ‘ Sign.

came after his comment Election commission of India Recognized the Eknath Shinde faction as the “real” Shiv Sena.

He said, ‘I want to say that they want the face of Bal Thackeray, they want the election symbol but not the family of Shiv Sena. time Narendra Modi Balasaheb Thackeray’s mask is needed to come to Maharashtra. The people of the state know which face is real and which is not Year Quoting Uddhav Thackeray.

Addressing party workers from a car with a sunroof outside Thackeray’s residence ‘Matoshree’ in suburban Bandra, Uddhav challenged the Eknath Shinde faction and said a fight has begun.

“Thieves were given the sacred ‘bow and arrow’, in the same way the ‘Mashal’ (torch) can also be taken away. I challenge them- if they are men, then even by taking the stolen ‘bow-arrow’ from our Come forward, we will contest elections with ‘Mashal’. This is our test, the battle has begun,” he told his supporters.

Read also: Shinde faction is the ‘real Shiv Sena’ with ‘bow and arrow’. Here’s what the ECI order says

Thackeray was forced to resign as Maharashtra chief minister last June after Shinde rebelled against Thackeray’s leadership, claiming the support of 40 of the Shiv Sena’s 56 MLAs and 13 of its 18 Lok Sabha members.

He said Chief Minister Shinde would not be able to take the “stolen bow and arrows” and would collapse like the mythological demon king Ravana, who could not lift the Shiva bow.

In the order, the Election Commission found that the current constitution of Shiv Sena is “undemocratic”. It has been perverted to undemocratically appoint people from a congregation as office bearers without any election. EC said such party structure fails to inspire confidence

The Election Commission found that the 40 MLAs supporting the Shinde faction secured 36,57,327 votes out of a total of 47,82,440 votes, i.e. ~76% of the votes cast in favor of the 55 victorious MLAs. This is in sharp contrast to the 11,25,113 votes polled by the 15 MLAs whose support is claimed by the Thackeray faction. As against 90,49,789, of the total votes (including the losing candidates) cast by the Shiv Sena in the 2019 Maharashtra Assembly elections, the votes cast by the 40 MLAs supporting the petitioner come to ~40%, while the 15 MLAs supporting the respondents Votes cast by ~12% of total votes.

The 13 MPs supporting the Shinde faction secured 74,88,634 votes out of a total of 1,02,45143 votes i.e. ~73% of the votes cast in favor of the 18 MPs in the Lok Sabha Elections 2019. This is in contrast to the 27,56,509 votes cast by the 5 supporting MPs. Thackeray faction ie ~ 27% votes fell in favor of 18 MPs.

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