Udaipur Murder: Kanhaiya Lal’s killers had a plan to kill another businessman

Udaipur Massacre: As outrage intensified against the murder of Kanhaiya Lal, a Hindu tailor in Rajasthan’s Udaipur, IANS reported that the two perpetrators of the brutal Udaipur massacre were planning to kill another businessman from the city. According to IANS, Kanhaiya Lal’s killers have links with banned terrorist organization IS. The businessman was rescued as he was out of town. The businessman’s father told the media that his son had posted material supporting Nupur Sharma on June 7. A complaint was lodged against him and he was arrested, but was released within a day. From June 9, different people started coming to his shop. Sensing the trouble, the businessman stopped coming to his shop and left the city for some time.

Police officials said that the accused were part of a conspiracy to carry out the serial blasts in Jaipur on March 30.

both the killers arrested

Meanwhile, NIA sources said that both the arrested accused may be taken to Delhi for questioning and their mobiles and electronic devices will be sent for forensic examination.

The NIA team is seeking help from cyber and forensic teams to get information related to social media including posts and chats of both the accused. In fact, his links with Dawat-e-Islam are also being probed as he was allegedly linked to Al Sufa, a remote sleeper outfit of IS through Pakistan-based Dawat-e-Islami Mohammad Riaz.

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has detained five more suspects. Sources said that more arrests will be made in this case.

Protest at Kanhaiya Lal’s murder site

Angered by the brutal murder, a large number of protesters gathered at the spot where Kanhaiya Lal was beheaded by the killers in Udaipur.

Meanwhile, markets remained closed in most parts of Jaipur on Thursday following a bandh call by a traders’ organization and Vishwa Hindu Parishad to protest the brutal murder of a tailor in Udaipur.

In view of the bandh, elaborate security arrangements have been made and emergency services have been exempted, officials said.

(with IANS inputs)