Uber Driver’s Continuous Calls Leave Bengaluru Woman Upset

Bengaluru pastry chef Joonie Tan recounted an unsettling Uber ride where the driver’s constant phone calls caused her discomfort and a headache. Tan filed a complaint about the driver’s distracted driving, raising awareness on Instagram Stories, which she later removed.

In her social media updates, she queried her followers and Uber regarding regulations against continuous driver phone usage. Additionally, she lodged a formal complaint with Uber, expecting the company to address numerous similar reports.

‘The Uber driver keeps talking on the phone, and it’s giving me a headache from his non-stop chatter. Can we request them not to talk on the phone while driving a customer? Is there a rule about this? What’s the appropriate course of action?’

Joonie Tan’s followers highlighted that this is a frequent problem in Bengaluru, and they shared several solutions. Recommendations included politely asking the driver to stop talking, despite possible resistance or agreement. Other suggestions involved reporting the issue via the app or customer service channels. Additionally, some advised using noise-cancelling headphones to minimize the disturbance.

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Following the viral spread of her complaint online, Uber promptly sent her an apology email stating, ‘We regret to hear that you felt unsafe during your trip. Uber drivers are expected to uphold a high standard of professional service, ensuring passengers experience a safe and comfortable journey. Reports of unsafe driving are treated seriously. In response to your feedback, we will conduct a review of the driver’s account. Additionally, we have taken measures to ensure your account will not be matched with this driver for future trips booked through the Uber app.’

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Have you encountered something similar before?