Twitter will recommend amazing tweets from ppl in other countries & cultures after translation, hints Elon Musk; Netizens divide over update

New Delhi: In a new tweet thread, tech billionaire and Twitter chief Elon Musk has hinted at a new update coming soon to Twitter that will recommend amazing tweets to users after translating them from people in other countries and cultures. This will open the users to a treasure trove of hidden and untapped tweets in the microblogging site which may be useful to them.

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Elon Musk reiterated in the thread that tweets would be translated before being recommended. He also mentioned that there are epic tweets in other countries (Japan in particular) every day.

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Twitter users are divided over the new change

One user suggested in the comments section to allow this to be turned off as new recommendations, but the user should have 100% full control.

Another user, Mason Pelt, asked Musk to give him a feed of the people he follows as the default feed.

Cambry, a Twitter user, said she just wants her reach and engagement back, thought that was cool, thanks!

Geoff Quatromney, a Twitter user, asked Musk who was asking this. They suggested adding an option to translate tweets from people they’re following of course, but recommending tweets wasn’t on any wishlists.

However, a Twitter user named Jason called it a clever idea and predicted that it would increase empathy and happiness between cultures. While another user said that he would love to see the lines that divide them eventually get blurred.

This is how users react.