TV show invites wrong man as ex-Bank of Israel official

A colossal mistake by Channel 13 on Saturday night saw the network invite the mistaken Moshe Hazan to give his expert opinion on the state budget, leaving the presenter baffled and others amused.

current affairs show was conducting a panel discussion about the recent state budget approvalWith presenter Sefi Ovadia for the show’s regular host Ayla Hassan.

Instead of bringing in Professor Moshe Hazan, a senior lecturer and expert on macroeconomics and development at Tel Aviv University, who resigned last month The show featured Moshe Hazan, a real estate personality of pre-eminence, as a member of the Bank of Israel’s six-person monetary committee.

Amid a heated discussion on the previous topic, Ovadia struggled to make himself heard as he referred to “Prof. Moshe Hazan” as a former member of the Monetary Committee at the Bank of Israel.

The camera then panned over to Hazan, who cut him off and corrected “No, my profession is real estate.”

“Sorry?” asked Ovdia, stumbling.

“Yeah, a real estate person. I’m a little familiar with Matan from real estate,” he said, pointing to financial journalist Matan Khodorov, who was also on the panel.

“I don’t understand, aren’t you Professor Moshe Hazan?” asked Hodorov, a strange smile on his face.

“No,” Hazan confirmed.

Prof. Moshe Hazan (Bank of Israel)

At that point, Ovadia quickly moved on to another topic with the rest of the panel, and the hapless Hazan was not seen again.

Channel 13 later explained in a statement, “Human error led to the fact that in place of Professor Moshe Hazan, another person answering the same name was invited without bringing it to the presenter’s attention.” “The matter has been taken care of and we apologize to viewers.”

The inaccuracy is reminiscent of an error the BBC made in 2006 when Guy Goma, a Congolese business graduate who arrived for a job interview at the station’s studios accidentally pulled over in front of the cameras Guy Keavney as a technology expert.

The interviewer, apparently unaware that anything was wrong, interviewed Goma, who did his best to answer questions on the subject.

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