Turkey Earthquake: What to do When you Feel Tremors? Check Do’s and Don’ts to Stay Safe

Monday’s magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey and Syria was the world’s deadliest in this decade. More than four thousand people died in both the countries due to this earthquake. there were five major earthquakes in turkey Between 1939 and 1999. Since 1900, 76 earthquakes have occurred in Turkey, in which more than 90 thousand people have died. Half of these deaths occurred between 1939 and 1999. The earthquake in Haiti in 2021 is also included in other severe earthquakes in the world during the last two decades. More than 2200 people lost their lives in this earthquake. In 2018, more than 4300 people were killed in the earthquake in Indonesia. Another earthquake in 2017 killed more than 400 people.

Can earthquakes be predicted accurately?

Scientists say that even if we know where the tremors will occur, we are still far from predicting when an earthquake will occur. In such a situation, can earthquakes be predicted accurately? Dr Stephen Hicks, seismologist at Imperial College London, answers this question. Dr. Hicks says, “What we can do is that we can predict earthquakes. We can make predictions. The work of predicting earthquakes in California or Japan in America is now increasing.”

Do’s and Don’ts during an earthquake

So what can you do to stay safe and what shouldn’t you do? However, it is not easy to predict when an earthquake will occur. But experts say you should always be prepared. This means that you should always have a plan in place to deal with an earthquake. Dr Stephen Hicks says, “If you live in an area where earthquakes are frequent, you should always have a bag ready in your home for any emergency.” He says that this bag should contain water, a torch, first aid kit and some food items. According to the Red Cross, people should also keep some cash and copies of their important documents like medical records in this kit.

avoid running from room to room

According to the United States Geological Survey, a scientific organization of the US government, if you stay where you are at the time of an earthquake, then your chances of getting injured are reduced. That is why the Geological Survey advises that one should avoid running from one room to another in case of an earthquake.

lie down and cover yourself

Experts say the formula to keep yourself safe is- ‘Lie down, cover yourself and hold on tight.’ Getting down on your feet and knees will help you avoid things falling from above and give you some wiggle room if needed. If you’re under a table or desk and have nowhere else to hide, hold on until the vibration continues.

stand by the door

One way to avoid an earthquake is to stand close to the door. But, experts say that if you live in an old house, the best way would be to hide under the table. Windows and balconies are often the first to fall due to an earthquake. In such a situation, it is advised that you stay away from these dangerous places. When the earth stops shaking, it is safest for you to get out of any building that is in danger of collapsing.

All of these things are for when you are inside a building or an office complex at the time of an earthquake. But what to do when you are outside during an earthquake? Experts say, stay where you are. Because running away from buildings, power and phone poles, sewage manholes, and oil and gas pipelines increases your risk of injury. And of course, it would be best for you to go to a completely open area. Where there are no telephone or electric poles. There should be no building.