Tunnel found in Delhi Assembly: Secret way to reach Red Fort found; Through this the British Army used to take Freedom Fighters

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  • Delhi Assembly Red Fort Secret Tunnel; You all should know President Ram Niwas Goel

New Delhi6 minutes ago

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A tunnel-like structure has been discovered in the Delhi Assembly on Thursday. Speaker of the assembly Ram Niwas Goel said that this tunnel connects the assembly with the Red Fort. He told that the Britishers used to take freedom fighters from one place to another.

Goyal also said- When I became an MLA in 1993, I used to hear such things that there is a tunnel here which leads to the Red Fort. I also tried to find this tunnel to know the history, but nothing was ever clear about it. Now we have found the entrance to this tunnel, but we are not digging it any further. It is possible that the road ahead of the tunnel was destroyed in the installation of metro project and sewer.

Earlier there used to be a court of Delhi Assembly.
Goyal said that when the country’s capital was shifted from Kolkata to Delhi, the Delhi Legislative Assembly was used as the Central Legislative Assembly. In 1926 it was converted into a court and through this tunnel the British used to bring freedom fighters to the court.

A pilgrimage site will be built to pay tribute to the fighters
We all knew that there was a room where the hanging was done, but it was never opened. Now on the 75th anniversary of independence, I inspected that room. We are thinking of turning it into a shrine of fighters. Here he will be paid tribute. The hanging room will be opened for tourists by August 15.

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