Try these yogasanas to beat the stiffness of winter

Winter, especially in the northern part of India, can make us feel harsh and longing for heat. Stiffness in joints and muscles can often occur during this season. It can also be very difficult for people suffering from joint pain, arthritis or muscle related problems. This is the reason that aches, pains and stiffness in the body become more during the winter season. When the weather is cold and there is less sunlight, this leads to muscle contraction and stiffness. Despite the fact that individuals are aware of the importance of being physically active, the cold weather makes them in the harmful habit of looking around.

Acharya Advaita Yogabhushan, founder of Himalayan Yogi Institute, Jyotirmay Yogi and teacher of Vedic science, in conversation with Hindustan Times, advises readers to get rid of winter harshness.

Trikonasana (triangle pose)

Trikonasana, also known as triangle pose, is a standing posture that can be performed on both the left and right sides that strengthens and lengthens the hamstrings and groin while opening up the hips and shoulders. It activates the core muscles which aid in balance and stability. In a standing position with 3-4 feet between your feet, you can begin the asana. Turn your right leg out and extend both arms to shoulder level, keeping your torso in front of you. The right hand, bending at the waist, will touch the right leg, while the left hand will extend directly over the ears. This asana can also be done from the left side.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

It is a tilted chest opening posture in which a practitioner enters shavasana and raises the chest with the help of elbows and shoulders. It not only stretches the chest and neck but also relieves tension in the neck and shoulders. Aims to improve respiratory health by stimulating deep breathing, and tones the parathyroid, pituitary and pineal glands. Matsyasana is a yoga pose that stretches and stimulates all the abdominal muscles. This mudra is said to be the “destroyer of all diseases”.

Uttanasana (Forward Bending)

It’s not about touching your toes when you lean forward. It’s also not about squeezing as long as you can with your fingers. On the other hand, Uttanasana is not about the link between the fingers and the toes. It’s almost everything in between. The practitioner begins in Tadasana and bends forward from the hips, bringing the chest towards the knees. Some people can touch their toes, while others can bend only to a certain extent. In any case, the practitioner must keep the alignment. Its purpose is to bring great benefits to the whole body if it is done in the right way.

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