Try These Home Remedies To Colour Your White Hair Naturally

Last Update: January 28, 2023, 6:26 pm IST

Henna is made from natural ingredients, and thus is good for the hair.

Henna is made from natural ingredients, and thus is good for the hair.

Some natural ingredients present in our kitchen can help us get rid of gray hair as well as improve its quality.

White hair bothers everyone. To hide them, people either apply color or henna. There are many chemicals in the dye which harm the hair in every way. Henna is made from natural ingredients, and thus is good for the hair. There are also some natural ingredients available in our kitchen that can improve the quality of hair and also help you get rid of gray hair. Today we will learn about some of these materials.

Beetroot: To make this hair mask, take a pan and add one glass of water, one teaspoon of amla powder, beetroot juice and tea leaves. Now boil it well. When it becomes thick, add lemon juice to it and turn off the gas. When it cools down, apply it to your hair and leave it on till it dries completely. Then wash your hair thoroughly. Regular use of this mixture will improve both the color and health of your hair.

tea leaves: If you want to dye your hair naturally dark brown, use tea leaves from your kitchen. First of all boil two spoons of tea leaves in a glass of water. Now add one spoon of amla powder. Switch off the gas and when the water starts to thicken let it cool down. Apply it in your hair. If you want, you can also put five to six cloves in it. Its use gives a deep color to the hair. After 1 hour wash the hair with normal water.

Katishu: To make this hair mask, take an iron vessel and add a glass of water to it. Now add two spoons of catechu powder, four spoons of amla powder and four to five cloves and boil it. After boiling, turn off the gas and let it cool down. Apply it in your hair. Wash hair after 1 hour. It will cover all your gray hairs and also make them shiny.

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