‘Trust Modi to Take India Far’: A Zimbabwean Student’s Ride to the Electoral Euphoria of Gujarat

Amid the electoral euphoria in Gujarat, a curious Zimbabwean student donning the BJP flag is equivalent to participating in the election. Intently listening to the conversations women were having at a temple in Anand’s Vidyanagar about the assembly election, Nik Combat seems eager to share his experiences.

Realising that women were seeking votes for the BJP, Combat, who is in his early 20s, said he is learning so much from BJP workers who interact with students at the university as well.

A huge fan of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Combat is studying Masters from CVM college in Anand, and says he loves India and “trusts Modi to take India far”.

The only student from Zimbabwe, Combat has taken a ride in Vande Bharat train after reading about it in the newspaper. “Recently, I read about PM Modi inaugurating Vande Bharat and I took the opportunity to take a ride. It is a spectacular train and very clean,” said Combat.

Nik Combat with his laundry man who gave him the BJP flag. (Photo: News18)

When asked who gave him the BJP flag, Combat points to the direction of his laundry man. “He is part of the BJP and he always talks to me about it. He tells me how PM Modi is good in doing what he does, like encouraging entrepreneurship in the young people. My laundry man is also an entrepreneur in himself.”

A student of CVM college pursuing Masters in Biotechnology, Combat is an aspiring politician. He has two friends one from Ivory Coast and other from South Africa who he says are not so much interested in politics. They came here only to study, he added.

“I think, I came here to meet and mingle with people from different cultures. I have travelled more than eight states like Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan and Maharasthra apart from Gujarat. I have been living here for three years,” said Combat who believes that India represents diversity and people here are loving.

When asked why he is wearing the BJP flag, Combat replies, “I am wearing this flag because this signifies love and peace in the country. I like this flag so much. This is BJP’s flag and that of PM Narendra Modi.”

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